…but what does TBD stand for?

To Be Determined? The Blue Dog? Totally Bodacious Dude? Tacos, Bacon, Donuts? Tired But Delightful? The Box Downstairs?

Regardless of what it might stand for, TBD Productions does a bit of everything.

As a small team, we can offer a personalised, hands-on approach to every project.

With a background in live production, lighting, audio, IT, editing, copywriting, video production and event management, we can do it all.

We don’t just provide expertise, either – we’ve also got all the tools to get the job done.

Whether you want EFTPOS terminals or stage lighting, a big PA or some tables and chairs, our gear is available for hire, ensuring you have exactly what you need for an awesome event.

…and while we’re small, we’re also mighty: We are able to focus on the details that matter most, delivering a solution tailored to your specific needs.

Ready to pack up and travel wherever your vision takes us, you get the best service, no matter the location.

We’re only as good
as the company we keep…

(…and wouldn’t your name look great here?)

Let’s chat!